Milf Time: Tsousin!

5 months ago
I woke up this morning with the only goal being to do another exciting 3some with 2 young Chinese ladies today.
I went to my usual street but couldn’t find anyone. It was only 10am, probably too early.
A little further into my search, I found one who was guiding me to another place. I was hoping to find another BBS that way but she made me wait on the street. I told her I wanted 2 young girls. After 10 mins, A MILF named Tsousin showed up. I was a little disappointed but decided to go with it. It was just too early and the MILF seemed to be sweet.
Once in my room, I was really happy with her. She was really going for it and gave me a great time. We talked about making pictures next time and she agreed. That will be for tomorrow or after tomorrow. Though, tomorrow I will probably just look for another 3some. We’ll see. Exciting days!
Oh guys, check this site: