Claire: Barhoppin Girl (Lost Episode) Video

6 months ago
What's up guys, J-Reg back again for another mid-week, Lost Episode edition. This one is a vid that was dropped off the site since the first server crash we had while using some cheap-ass 2-dollar hosting company in some guys basement in Taiwan. No seriously, the server holding up Trike Patrol back then was literally in some guy's basement in Taiwan. This was another patrol that was filmed in the very early days of us just trying to figure out what the site would be.
On this particular run, Hammer and I were cruising down the main strip, trying to see if we saw anything that looked inviting. My voice was hoarse here due to all the hardcore boozing in smoky bars I'd been up to for the past few weeks. It really can take a toll on your health, lemme tell ya. But damn it's fun!
So we stop at the 7-11 on the main drag so I can go grab some cough-drops or somethin', when Hammer starts chatting up a girl in black who was sitting outside the store. While I was inside, he was just sitting in the sidecar of the trike with the camera out the side pointed in her direction. It was a perfect pick-up scenario and the girl turned out to be game.
Her name was Claire, from Barhoppin' Bar, and not long after I came outside, did I recognize her from some of my drunken barhops. She recognized me too. Claire was one of those goofy types, and her English left a bit to be desired, but I did recall she had quite a nice pair of tits from what I remembered of her in the bar. So it was all too easy to get her into the Trike and back to our room just around the corner.
Once in the room, Claire got undressed and took a shower, which Hammer filmed a bit. She really did have a nice pair of boobs and I was pretty damn excited to get my hands on 'em. Claire starting off by giving my head, which was not the best I must admit-and she was giggly and goofy throughout.
It appeared to me she was one of the more popular girls in the then-new Barhoppin' Bar at the time, one of the "Franchise Players" so-to-speak. In the months leading up to this encounter, I had seen her pics all of the AC message boards, heard stories of her being a fun girl to take home, and witnessed first-hand her confidence inside the bar, but her less-than-enjoyable oral techniques were a buzz-kill disappointment. So I assumed her claim to monger fame were those two fleshy mounds on her chest and that was about it. Guys are such suckers for breasts.
One of the interesting things about this episode was that it was one of the very few that a condom was used in. Remember this for later, 'coz I have a funny back-story about that. Yes, I donned a rubber at her half-hearted request. It was like more of a question than a statement, "You use condom?", in a questioning tone. Not, "You use condom!" as a direction. In fact, I found this to be common amongst all Filipinas I ever had that ever brought up the condom thing. Not going to get into a big condom post here, but I'd say only 20% of all my fuck partners ever suggested/asked about condom usage. And of that 20%, only about 3% flat-out insisted. Not sure what those numbers mean, just throwing it out there to add color to this write-up.
So we get on with it and Claire's body feels as nice as it looked. Pussy was still tight enough and she get into it, although still had that annoying giggly act going at some points. She also tensed up and "pushed back" a bit when I wanted to go full throttle banging on her. Some girls just can't handle it I guess. So I'm pumping away in missionary and feel the tides coming, when I rip off my condom and baste her right breast with my load, of course drawing more giggles from her.
It made for an OK episode, and was definitely one that laid the foundation for things to come. But what was really interesting, was what happened after Hammer left with the camera. Claire was happy to just hang out with me at the hotel for a while. I think we ordered room service and watched some TV together. Then we started getting frisky with each other on the bed, and with one slip of the towel, we were bumping uglies like rabid animals--no latex in between!
I don't know if it was the fact that it was our first time together, or she wasn't herself with Hammer & the camera in the room or what, but god damn it was an amazing fuck session right then. A 180 degree difference from what you saw on camera. She was loose and uninhibited, wild, wanton and passionate......moaning, writhing, grinding, holy shit. Fucking awesome.
So right then I knew why she was so popular a bargirl. Her oral skills still needed coaching, but she was as exciting and energetic a fuck as you'll ever find there. Or perhaps it was the condom? Maybe the feeling of a latex rubber inside your vaginal walls isn't quite as good as a veiny, pulsating cock? It does beg the question: Why use a condom in the video only to fuck an hour later without one? Goes back to what I was saying before about how it's usually only a suggestion from them. They're not as educated as they should be about certain things. It was as if she felt like "Well, we fucked once already so it's ok if we go bareback this time."
Whatever it was, she was fantastic and it's still a fuck that ranks high up in my memory among thousands. I know, I know, you're asking well "God damnit, why didn't you film that too!?" You gotta realize guys, when we started this thing, we were just acting as we normally did on our vacations there.....only with a camera. Things were never planned or per-orchestrated back then. I had no idea we were going to fuck like that again later. It just happened. That's part of the magic of the place. Things just happen. Every time you set foot outside, another adventure awaits. My experience with Claire here was just one of many. Thanks for reading.