Genie: Bottled Up Pussy Video

6 months ago
There's something about lack of cock that makes women up-tight. The longer they go without fucking, the more irritable and bitchy they become. You can always tell when a women needs a good dick down by the way she behaves towards people.
Genie here confided with us off-camera that she hadn't had penis in her vagina for over 6 years. Her initial standoffishness towards us in the street was therefore excused. Six years is a LONG time and we weren't about to let her dry spell go any longer.
There's really no magic to something like this. A girl who hasn't had cock in that long is a walking fuck-bomb just waiting to explode. We were merely the fortuitous party within her kill radius when she was ready to go off. You know what they say; some days you're good, and some days you're lucky.