Juvy: Cock-Slobbering Queen (Lost Episode) Video

6 months ago
Hello guys, J-Reg here. I was asked to come back and do the write-up for this classic Trike Patrol episode featuring this nasty little freak named Juvy who we so endearingly adorned the "Cock-Slobbering Queen" title on. First of all, you would not even be seeing this old episode back on here if not for the fact that the new guys have been receiving numerous emails from many of you urging them to be re-posted. I got the call about this a few weeks ago, and despite enjoying my semi-retired life in a sunny, island locale, I was so enthused about it that I dusted off the ol' writing shoes to contribute to the site once again.
First, I had to dig up the one-thought-lost files on an old hard drive and then upload 'em to the guys here for re-editing and posting. Which let me tell you, was a complete pain the buttocks due to how crappy the internet speeds and service is around here. Island time and all that. There are about a dozen in all, so you should be seeing a few more of these in the coming weeks.
As for why I picked Juvy first, no particular reason, just the first one I happened to watch. Truth be told, I don't watch too much porn anymore living here, and spend even less time sitting on the computer. When you have a beach with girls in thong bikinis all day just a few yards away....it's hard to stay inside much.
Back to the episode at hand: Juvy was an interesting-albeit less than stunning--girl we landed that night. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Ahh, the good ol' days. Hammer and I went out on a night patrol, armed with our new "night vision" cam which we stupidly thought was cutting-edge technology back then, haha. So we speed up Fields Ave and onto Perimeter, doing our normal cruise thing, til we hang a left into one of the neighborhoods and roll around the dark back-streets. We see this chick standing under a tree waiting for a trike or something--so we do what we always did and rolled up to talk to her.
Even in the dark, I could tell right away she wasn't the prettiest, but true to our form, we don't give much of a fuck and snag her up anyway. She had a fucked-up grill going on, which made her speech sound handi-capped, ontop of not speaking any English to save her life. See, back then, the vid quality, camera work and quality of the girls was honestly complete shit all around--but god damn if we didn't have a blast doing it. Just a coupla of retards w/ a video camera and a trike. That's all we were. Nothing was rehearsed or planned or practiced. We had no experience in "porn" or film-making or the "adult industry". What you see is what you got. That was how we did it.
So we get this girl back to the hotel, and have her tell us a little about herself as per the routine by then. She was one of those Pinays who always hung around KTV joints in Manila therefore was used to Koreans and Japs more than Westerners. She claimed to never have had an American dick before, but her mouth was moving and she's Filipina so that equals lying every time. Get her to undress and it's clear she's had a kid or two (or five), which honestly never bothered me as much as it does some guys. Some of you perverted fucks out there are insistent about that shit. You go all "Ewwww, she's had a kid" and act like you wouldn't touch her with your dick if she wanted you to. I never got that. But then again, I'm a horny sick-minded soul who will literally almost fuck any female Human Being with a natural-born pussy.
But for real, I have to chuckle about the "I-wont-fuck-chicks-who've-had-kids" mentality. Yeah, I understand you didn't fly 10,000 miles to screw just anything, but come on, "back home" most of us would be lucky to bang a 20 or 24 yr old, kids or no kids. Anyway, enough on that. I'm getting off topic.
So Juvy gets naked, she's got an OK body. Decent-sized tits, even though floppy. (I happen to enjoy floppy tits just fine thank you) Her speech pattern was very much like a Korean, how they speak. I was living in Korea at the time, so I picked up on it right away. The inflection and tone with how she spoke, even in English was very Korean-like. So yeah, definitely hung around Koreans a bunch. Even said her baby was half-Korean. Not a surprise.
So then I get naked and jump in the scene. Start her off by thrusting my cock forward near her face. I really wasn't expecting much from this girl to be honest. Thought it would be a mediocre servicing, but boy was I wrong once she got going. The blow job started off kinda slow and weak, but then I laid on my back and coached her a little bit, and the real nastiness starting peeking through.
She started going deeper and deeper and started getting sloppier and sloppier. Ohhhh, I was in heaven. Being a blow-job connoisseur, I was highly impressed and pleasured by her skills improving right before my very eyes. I think she already knew what to do, just wasn't sure what I liked yet since it was of course our first time together. Once she saw how I liked it, she let it all hang out so to speak. Drooling, slobbering, spitting, stroking, gagging--ohhhhhhh yesss! I could tell that this was the beginning of a beautiful one-hour relationship.
I didn't even need to fuck her pussy, but for posterity's sake and for the sake of the fans here on the site, I saddled up for a gut-crushing sequence which wasn't bad. She certainly didn't have the snuggest pussy on earth-quite loosey goosey in fact for such a small-framed girl, but I guess that's what happens to some of them after they shit out something the size of a watermelon through there. Still, it was plenty wet and warm, which is all this kid really needs to stay hard and pumping. After umpteen years of flogging my own cock w/ a dry hand as an adolescent, and not even sniffing a pussy 'til I was 18, I find ANY pussy to be worth something--even the rug-rat stretched ones like Juvy's here.
So after beatin' that up in a few different positions, I got back to her real goods, which were the slimly, snug vocal chords deep down her throat. Man, this girl could choke down a cock! I just sat back and enjoyed it for another ten minutes or so. Even standing up for a bit to do some face-fucking. Finally, just sitting on the edge of the bed and letting her finish me off with violent, sloppy head-thrusts and rhythmic, wet hand maneuverings until I saw spaceships blasting off and heard bells ringing in my head like it was fucking Linda Lovelace down there. Probably still to this day one of the most intense loads I've ever blown. I didn't stop shaking for around 30 minutes afterwards I think.
So there ya have it guys, one of our Trike Patrol legacy episodes that was thought to be lost a while ago in server crashes. If you enjoyed this trip down TP memory road like I did, the good news is there's around 11 more where that came from. The bad news is that ol' J-Reg is living the slow life on an undisclosed tropical island somewhere and not sure when he'll get around to uploading the next one. Maybe I'll decide that based on what kind of response you guys give to this one. Gotta go for now, the sun is starting to set and it's about Margarita time down on the sand.