Lyn: Cunning Fairy Runt Hunt Video

6 months ago
After dropping off my weekly load of laundry to get done and hitting the money changer for some pesos, I forwent hopping right into a trike and decided to stroll down the street into one of the residential areas. I had always noticed girls walking back & forth from down that way, so figured what-the-heck, maybe I'll bump into something and try my luck.
A block or so later, and I was reminded again that in this place, luck has nothing to do with it. You basically just need to show up breathing and you've got a better shot with young pretty girls here than even a good-looking, moderately wealthy middle-aged guy does back home with "western women" a several kilos heavier.
As I'm walking down this puddle-ridden dirt path, I noticed a petite, tan-skinned girl with a pony-tail in her hair walking towards me. Well, Hello Dolly, it's my "lucky" day again, isn't it? So I approach her and make my acquaintance, to which she seems only slightly skeptical at for a moment, then lets her guard down rather quickly to my disarming smile and light eyes she's always dreamt of her baby having. It's not even fair really.
Her name is Lyn, and I quickly detect a spark-pluggy personality that belies her years. She seems quite at-ease with a strange foreigner on the street, which infers only the experience of a well-seasoned, ass-slinging bargirl. No matter to me, as we then went on to trade a few lies before riding back to my hotel to fill her hungry stomach...and a few other things. "Have not boom-boomed a foreigner yet", she says. Forgot to finish the sentence with "" I think. What a place this is.
That being said, the thing that's so enchanting about this town is the ambiguous line between sweet darling girlfriend and straight-up money hooker. Call it "The Thin Brown Line" maybe? Haha, I just made that up now!
For example, despite what might be just another sordid soiree short-time session with a girl I just met and will likely never see again, I thoroughly enjoyed Lyn's company by the hotel pool as we had lunch and drinks together.
Try getting that type of experience with a drugged-out slapper back home at Cheddar Gorge or Kings Cross or Sunset Blvd. Ain't gonna happen. You'll be lucky if you don't get stabbed, robbed, arrested and/or infested. Here, it's all about that "Girlfriend Experience" (GFE) and it's why we keep coming back again and again across the miles. The Pinays have an uncanny ability to provide that GFE unlike any other women on the Planet, and let's face it, guys like feeling special, don't we? It feeds our ever-so-sensitive Neanderthalic egos.
Another thing noticed while with Lyn was her engaging personality that made her more attractive than she might appear in still photos or even the two-dimensional medium of the video you're about to watch. It's common with Filipinas actually. They are so warm and simplistically genuine that you really have to be in their physical presence to "get it". More times than not, I feel as though my videos don't do them even a fraction of justice in that regard. The well-travelled Philippines guys out there will know what I'm talking about, and if my videos persuade even a few of the new guys out there to come visit in person, then I'd be happy with that at least.
And to you guys who are merely "watchers" and will not ever consider (or unable to for whatever reason) coming over here to experience things in person, well, I feel sorry for you really. You'll just have to take my word on that. (but thanks for watching anyway, haha)
As you'll see in the vid, Lyn's natural sexuality and enjoyment of our liaison really makes this a nice episode. For those of you who like 'em bushy, her hairy hatchet wound won't hurt either. She must have been using a quality shampoo and conditioner to achieve such a thick flowing fuzz muffin. After petting, licking and stabbing said furburger, I finished up in glorious fashion on her pretty face. There's something about how that pearly white substance contrasts on that brown skin that just takes the breath away.
....til next week!